Therapeutic Support

Mind/Body Support

Therapeutic support is guided using two methodologies– somatic experiencing and narrative therapy.

Together, we create space to safely feel into what’s coming up in the present mind/body, practicing nervous system regulation and exploring the body’s felt sense of safety using somatic experiencing and integration.

Working with both body and mind, we define the narrative that has shaped and is shaping your present experience while leaning into the felt sense in the body to safely process and integrate in a holistic mind/body practice.

“It is a ventral vagal state and a neuroception of safety that bring the possibility for connection, curiosity, and change. A polyvagal approach to therapy follows the four R’s: Recognize the autonomic state. Respect the adaptive survival response. Regulate or co-regulate into a ventral vagal state. Re-story.” -Deb Dana

Process, Integrate, Resource

Therapeutic processing using somatic and narrative therapy–

Somatic therapy is focused in body-based processing and integration

Narrative Therapy works with the memories and stories of the mind

Titrating between these two modalities, we create space to explore, integrate and map experiences, integrating somatic awareness and tools for nervous system regulation

Session Rate: $65 / 1 hour , $85/1.5 hours

In-Person in Marshall, N.C. & Virtual support

Client Testimonial:

“I’ve been working with Tiffany for the better part of a year and I am lost for words when I think of how to express my deep gratitude. She holds each session by creating a container of compassion that encourages radical transformation, helping me unpack years of embodied grief. Her attentiveness and thoughtfulness extends beyond our sessions as she always follows-up afterward with kind reminders and questions. Tiffany has helped me create new foundational patterns in my life that are implemented on a daily basis.”